Monday, 2 November 2015




Avatar, not easy to recognise

Hindus have a very clear idea of Avatara. It is Brahman alone who comes as Avatara. Those who worship the Avatara in fact worship the Ultimate, Absolute, Unnamable, Unthinkable. It is for our sake that He comes as Avatara. The Avatar is a special sign of Divine grace and compassion for mankind.

Yet, not many people can recognise the Avatar when He lives among us. Sri Krishna who gave us the definitive statement of the purpose and functions of the Avatar also said that people often took him to be a mere/ordinary human being, and even ridiculed him!

त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभिः सर्वमिदं जगत्।

मोहितं नाभिजानाति मामेभ्यः परमव्ययम्।।7.13।।

Deluded by the three gunas of Prakriti, all this world does not know Me,who is beyond them and Immutable.

अव्यक्तं व्यक्ितमापन्नं मन्यन्ते मामबुद्धयः।

परं भावमजानन्तो ममाव्ययमनुत्तमम्।।7.24।।

The foolish regard Me, the Unmanifested , as come into manifestation (as if limited by it.) not knowing My supreme state- Immutable  and Transcendental.

अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम्।

परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम्।।9.11।।

Unaware of My higher state, as the great Lord of beings, fools disregard Me,dwelling in the human form.

यो मामजमनादिं च वेत्ति लोकमहेश्वरम्।

असम्मूढः स मर्त्येषु सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते।।10.3।।

He who knows Me, birthless and beginningless, the great Lord of the Worlds- he is undeluded among mortals. He is freed from all sins.


In the Ramayana it is said that only a few Rishis knew that Rama was an Avatar. That is why we need association with holy people to know about the Avatar.

If this is the case with the human Avatar, how much more difficult it would be in respect of the other Avatars! All creation is from Bhagavan, and He can manifest in any form! This is what Hindus have understood and celebrated!

Arunagirinatha celebrates Avatars!

In many of his hymns, Arunagiri has sung of the Avatars of Vishnu.

ஆதிசர ணெனக்கயங்கு லாவமுத லையைக்கிடங்கி
     லாரவுடல் தனைப்பிளந்த ...... அரிநேமி

ஆமைகய லெனச்செயங்கொள் கோலகுற ளரித்தடங்கை
     யானஅர வணைச்சயந்தன்

Here, he mentions 5 Avatars.

"O Aadimoolam, I surrender", pleaded the elephant caught by the crocodile in that deep pond. Vishnu came rushing and tore the body of the crocodile with his chakra.

That Vishnu took the avatars of the tortoise, the fish, the pig, the pigmy (Vamana) and Narasimha with his extended hands. He is the one reclining on the serpent.

If we split the words here, it becomes so easy to understand.

Aadi  = Aadi Moolam.- the origin of everything 
saran = I surrender
ena kayam = so saying, the elephant
kulaava =  pleaded
mudalaiyai = the crocodile (which had seized the elephant)
kidangil =  in that pond or lake
aara = well
vudal thanaip pilanda = splitting/breaking  the body
ari nemi = Hari, with the Chakra

Aamai= tortoise
kayal = fish
jayam kol = obtaining victory
kolam = pig
kural = pigmy- Vamana
thadangai = with extended,broad hands
ari = lion, Narasingha
aravanai = on the serpent as his couch
jayanthan= sayathan= sayanathan=  sleeping

(Vishnu, reclining on  Adishesha, had taken these avatars.)

சிறுத்தசெலு வதனு ளிருந்து
     பெருத்ததிரை யுததி கரந்து
          செறித்தமறை கொணர நிவந்த ...... ஜெயமாலே

 The ever victorious Vishnu Incarnated in the form of a small fish to enter the ocean with the huge waves to recover the Vedas which were concealed there.

He says elsewhere:

ஆரணற்கு மரை தேடியிட்ட பெருமாள்
Tirumal (Vishnu) who searched and recovered the Veda for Brahma.

சூக ரத்தொ டம்பு தானெ டுத்து வந்த

Assuming the body of a pig, Vishnu  brought the submerged earth up.He also became a charioteer. (Soothan)

But there is something more to the story. Having drunk the blood of Hiranyaksha (who had hidden the earth), the varaha became uncontrollable. Subrahmanya with his spear brought it under control. This is stated in the following line from a Tiruppugazh on Tiruvanaikkaval.

ஏனப்பதிதனை கோலக்காலமாக அமர் செய்த வடிவேலா 

Narasimhavataram is celebrated in ever so many hymns.

கோலவுரு வாயெ ழுந்து பாரதனை யேயி டந்து
     கூவிடு முராரி விண்டு ...... திருமார்பன்

கூடமுறை நீடு செம்பொன் மாமதலை யூடெ ழுந்த
     கோபவரி நார சிங்கன் .

Taking the form of a pig, he dug up the earth and recovered it. He killed Muran, the Asura. He has Lakshmi on his chest. He manifested as Narasimha with great anger in that golden pillar in the hall.

 Arunagiri describes the scene in several hymns.

அருமறை நூலோதும் வேதியன்
     இரணிய ரூபாந மோவென
          அரிகரி நாராய ணாவென ...... ஒருபாலன்

அவனெவ னாதார மேதென
     இதனுள னோவோது நீயென
          அகிலமும் வாழ்வான நாயக ...... னெனவேகி

ஒருகணை தூணோடு மோதிட
     விசைகொடு தோள்போறு வாளரி
          யுகிர்கொடு வாராநி சாசர ...... னுடல்பீறும்

உலகொரு தாளான மாமனும்

The Brahmin, well versed in the Vedas, was appointed to teach ' Hiranyaroopa Nama:'. But the young, matchless boy said: "Hari Hari  Narayana" Enraged, he was asked: 'Where is your Hari? What is your proof? Is he in this pillar? Tell me."  Immediately  the boy said: "Our Master inheres in all things in the universe". Hiranyakasipu immediately went and banged that pillar which was in front of him. Immediately, dazzling Narasimha came out with great force and sharp nails and tore the body of Hiranyakasipu. He is the Vishnu who measured the whole world with his one foot.He is the uncle of Subrahmanya.

மொருசுரர் பூசுர னோமென்
  றதற் கநந்தர மிரணி யாய நமவென
    நாராய ணாய நமவென் றோதுங்
      குதலை வாய்ச்சிறி யோனுக் காகத் தூணிற் ...... றோற்றிய வசபாணிப்

பலநக நுதியி னிசாசர னாகங்
  கிழித் தளைந்தணி துளசி யோடு சிறுகுடல்
    தோண்மாலை யாக அணியுங் கோவும்

This he repeats here too. But how he describes!

The excellent Brahmin started his lessons with "Om". He next said "Hiranyaya nama:" But the small boy with his tiny mouth (in speech not yet perfectly formed- kuthalai vaai) said "Narayanaya Nama:" For his sake, Vishnu appeared   from the pillar as Narasimha. With the several nails in his fingers, he tore open the body of the Asura, and took out his entrails and wore them as a garland, in addition to the Tulsi garland. Such is our master.

The Vamana Avatar is also exuberantly celebated by Arunagiri  in several hymns. Some we have already seen.

ஞாலத்தை அன்றளந்து வேலைக்குளும் துயின்று
நாடத்தி முன்பு வந்த திருமாலும்

Vishnu measured the world those days. He also slept on the serpent. He came to save the elephant in the former days.

இச்சையே செலுத்தி யுச்சிதாள்  பலிக்கும்
இட்ட மால்

Vishnu who conveyed his wish to Mahabali, and kept his foot on his head. (He asked for space measured by his three steps.)

உலுத்த ராவணனைச் சிரம் இற்றிட
வதைத்து மாபலியைச் சிறை வைத்தவன்
உலக்கை ராவி நடுக்கடல் விட்டவன்

He removed the ten heads of Ravana, whose desire was uncontrolled.

He imprisoned Mahabali in Patala.
He directed the iron (pounding) rod to be filed and thrown into the sea.

Arunagirinatha has the habit of relating many connected things. In the last entry above, three incidents are mentioned. The first two are well known. The last is heart-wrenching.This is connected with the destruction of the Yadava clan, and Lord Krishna's own departure from the earth.

We have already seen how extensively Rama and Krishna avatars are dealt with, with all interconnected incidents clearly stated. He has mentioned Balarama in two places- in one as carrying the plough as his weapon, and in the other as an expert wrestler. Kalki may be taken to have been mentioned once by implication in the hymn on Tiruvaamaaththur, when he states that he will come riding the horse to save the world.

Krishna playing his flute

Where Arunagiri describes something, that is hardly excelled by any one else on earth. Just see how he describes the effect of the music from the flute of Krishna:

அளையில் உறைபுலி பெறுமக வயிறரு
     பசுவின் நிரைமுலை யமுதுண நிரைமகள்
          வசவ னொடுபுலி முலையுண மலையுடன் ...... உருகாநீள்

அடவி தனிலுள உலவைகள் தளிர்விட
     மருள மதமொடு களிறுகள் பிடியுடன்
          அகல வெளியுயர் பறவைகள் நிலம்வர ...... விரல்சேரேழ்

தொளைகள் விடுகழை விரல்முறை தடவிய
     இசைகள் பலபல தொனிதரு கருமுகில்
          சுருதி யுடையவன் நெடியவன் 

The cub of the tiger, living in the cave, goes to the group of cows to drink the nectar of their milk.
The male and female calves  drink the milk from the udder of the tiger.
Mountains just melt.
The tall, lifeless trees in the forest spring to life again with new shoots.
The male elephants, mad after the females, go into  a side with them; birds flying high in the air come down and settle on the ground.
Such is the effect of the music produced by Krishna, of the colour of the clouds, playing methodically with his fingers on the bamboo with seven holes, creating all those sounds. He is the tall Vishnu, substance of the Veda.

Where have we seen a better description?

ISKCON. Their pictures are so beautiful. Thanks.


Tamil text of Tiruppugazh taken from

 Gratefully acknowledged.



Stamps issued by Indonesia- a Muslim country- on Arjuna,Krishna and Hanuman, in 2010.


Arunagirinatha is unique among our Saint-Singers. He was a devotee of Muruga and had no need to sing of any other Deity. But he was a true son of Bharat, soaked in its spirit. Indian religion is not exclusive.It stresses personal experience over dogma and theology. God is One, but is experienced and enjoyed in different ways. A true spiritual master will never deny other Deities, no matter what his own favourite is. Dogmas may differ, but God is one.

Rama and Krishna are avatars of the One God. Later, different sects claimed them as their own, but they did not form sects! They represented our dharma. They are our common heritage. Arunagirnatha not only shares this,but celebrates it with uncontained exuberance. For him, Rama,Krishna and all the Avatars are one, of Vishnu. In this, he follows the conventional Hindu view.

Arunagirinatha does not lower the importance or significance of other Deities in order to exalt his own. For him, all are great and his own is related to all of them, though for his upasana, he would follow his! Muruga is the younger brother of Vinayaka, mighty in his own way.He wrote the Mahabharata on the Meru mountain, as requested by Vyasa. Arunagiri sings about it in several places.

இலகுக டலைகற் கண்டு தேனொடு
     மிரதமு றுதினைப் பிண்டி பாகுடன்
          இனிமையி னுகருற் றெம்பி ரானொரு ...... கொம்பினாலே

எழுதென மொழியப் பண்டு பாரதம்
     வடகன சிகரச் செம்பொன் மேருவில்
          எழுதிய பவளக் குன்று 

Here, he details it. Ganapati has a big stomach! He is fond of eating! What does he eat?

He eats chana gram, with sugar candy, honey, cereal flour,with sugar syrup! With that, he comes to remove our obstacles. Vyasa requested him to write the Mahabharata (as he dictated.) So, in the olden days, he broke one of his tusks and wrote it on the Northern slopes of the golden Meru mountain- that is Ganapati, of the complexion of the coral.

Lord Ganesa writing the Mahabharata. from:

This has several beauties. Ganesa eats several things- but all of them are Satvika in nature! Ganapati is especially invoked as the remover of obstacles. If he has to accede to the request of Vyasa, how great Vyasa must be! That he broke his own tusk to write Mahabharata which deals with Dharma shows that everything else has to be subordinated to dharma. That it was recorded on the Meru is symbolic of its permanence.

Lord Ganesa writing Mahabharata- Rajasthani painting, 17th century. Public domain.

Rama who killed Ravana is also the one who drove the chariot for Arjuna!

 முப்பதுமு வர்க்கசுர ...... ரடிபேணி

பத்துமுடி தத்தும்வகை யுற்றகணை விட்டஅரி
     பற்குனனை வெற்றிபெற ...... ரதமூரும்

பச்சைநிற முற்றபுய ல

For Arunagiri, all Avatars are one!

Hari sent the arrow to remove the ten heads of Ravana. All the 33 kinds of Devas fell at his Feet. He of that dark-green complexion, like the thick cloud, drove the chariot of Arjuna so that he could win!

 Indian stamp and first day cover.

Lord Krishna had said that he would not touch weapons in the great war. But once or twice, be broke this word- for the sake of his devotee. Once, he got down from the chariot with great fury with his chakra in hand and rushed towards Bhishma. Another time, he sent the chakra to hide the sun, so as to create the appearance of darkness, to help Arjuna kill Jayadratha. This we saw in the very first Tiruppugazh. He repeats that here:

பட்டப்பகற் பருதி விட்டத் தமித்ததென

In broad daylight, he released his Chakra  (to hide the sun)and darkened all around, as if there had been sun-set!
(Arjuna had vowed that he would kill Jayadratha before sun set on that day,failing which he would kill himself; but Jayadratha was hiding from Arjuna, and the day was fast progressing. Krishna did this to draw out Jayadratha from his hiding. He had to save his devotee.)

Lord Krishna has really no friends or enemies. All are equal to him. But people's own attitude determines how Krishna will see them! Jaya-Vijaya, attenders at his entrance, wanted to be his opponents, so that they could rejoin him faster! So they were born as Asuras who fought Bhagavan in three births and yet attained him! Bhagavan chose to bless them as they desired! In the Mahabharata, not all people recognised Krishna's divinity. They took sides in the war- Bhishma standing in the opposite camp. But in the end, Krishna blesses all. Here is a touching incident.

வெயில்வீசிய கதிராயிர வருணோதய விருணாசன
     விசையேழ்பரி ரவிசேயெனு ...... மங்கராசன்

விசிகாகவ மயல்பேடிகை படுபோதுசன் னிதியானவன்

It involves Karna.
Of Surya- with thousands of his bright rays, who removes the darkness of the world at the time of Sunrise, who rides the chariot with the 7 fast-moving horses- Karna is the son, the king of Anga. In the war where countless arrows flew, he was killed by the arrow sent by Arjuna, who had once been a eunuch! But Krishna (Vishnu) came before him and gave him his darshana!
What a great blessing it was for Karna to behold the Lord at the lost moment!

Arunagirinatha does not just narrate the incidents, he always provides some rare insights. And he compresses so much of history in so few words. Here is one such instance:

விதுரற்கும ராக்கொடி யானையும்
     விகடத்துற வாக்கிய மாதவன்
          விசையற்குயர் தேர்ப்பரி யூர்பவன் 

This deals with an important matter. It states:

Madhavan brought about difference of opinion between Vidhura and Duryodhana. He drove the superior chariot for Arjuna.

This covers some important events. Krishna went to Hastinapura to negotiate peace with Duryodhana on behalf of the Pandavas. But he stayed with Vidura in his humble abode, spurning the opulence of the palace. Who can know the Lord's mind? Vidura had a bow, which was Vishnu's- the Kothandam, whereas Arjuna's Kandiva was Brahma's, which could not win against Kothandam. Vidura was very pleased with the visit. When he went to Duryodhana the next day, the latter was angry and questioned him how he could extend hospitality to a cowherd! He accused  Vidura  that though he ate Duryodhana's food, he was favouring the Pandavas.  What better could be expected of the son of a servant woman! Vidura got wild, and retorted to Duryodhana that though he could cut his tongue and kill him, he refrained from doing so to avoid the blame of holy men.But he would not stay in Hastinapura so long as Duryodhana was alive. So saying, he broke his bow  into two and left. Thus one source of potential trouble for Arjuna was removed! By his mere stay with Viduara, Krishna had brought estrangement between the two! Villiputtur Alwar records this in his Mahabharatam:

சொல் இரண்டு புகலேன் இனிச்சமரில்
நின்று வெங்கணை தொடேன் எனா
வில் இரண்டினும் உயர்ந்த வில் அதனை
வேர்  இரண்டுபட வெட்டினான்
மல்லிரண் டினையும்  இருவராகி முன்
மலைந்த காளமுகில்  வந்துதன்
இல்லிரண்டு தினம்  வைகுதற் குலகில்
எண்ணிலாத தவம் எய்தினான்.

Arunagirinatha simply uses just two words to convey all this!

விகடத்துற வாக்கிய. 

In fact, Arunagirinatha is indulging in some fun here! Krishna caused estrangement, but here Arunagiri says "vura vakkiya" ie created relationship! But that was strange- with differences- "vikataththu"! It shows how much Arunagiri is enjoying himself!

Arunagirinatha has sung about the events of the Mahabharata in many hymns.


Tamil lyrics of Tiruppugazh taken from Gratefully acknowledged.

Sunday, 1 November 2015



World's largest Muslim country issued stamp on Ramayana!


Sita having been located, preparations for her rescue are fast afoot.

Rama with his large army supplied by Sugreeva reaches the sea shore and looks on the sea. Arunagirinatha describes the sea in several places.

பரவு பரவை  extensive ocean

மோது மாகடல்
the big ocean with the  waves lashing

the ocean making noise

மகர நின்ற தெண்திரை
பொரு கணை கடல்
the ocean  with the beautiful waves, with the whales

நதி பதி
the lord of the rivers

 நெடு நாவாய் செல் கடல்
the ocean traversed by big ships

Rama asks Vibhishana about  the way to cross the ocean.He suggests that Rama pray to Varuna, and Rama does accordingly:

பால் வருணத்தலைவன் சொல் வழியாலே

Another Indonesian stamp.

Rama requests the ocean to let him cross, but there is no response. In anger, he takes up his bow and sends an arrow to dry up the ocean. This is stated in a verse from Kandar Alankaram:

போகைக்கு நீ வழி காட்டென்று
போய்க்கடல் தீக்கொளுத்த
வாகைக்சிலை வளைத்தோன்

Varuna, the Lord of the ocean is terrified, confused. Shivering, he comes fast and falls at Rama's feet. All this because Rama had sent his sharp arrow!

மகர நின்ற தெண்திரை பொரு கணை கடல்
மறுகி யஞ்சி வந்தடி தொழுதிடவொரு
வடி கொள் செஞ்சரன் தொடுபவன்

Then he tells Rama that they should get the bridge constructed by one of the vanaras called Nala and that he would protect it.

வேலை யடைக்க அரிக்குலத்தொடு
வேணுமெனச்சொலும் அக்கணத்தினில்
வேகமொடப்பு மலைக்குலத்தை நளன் கைமேலே
வீச அவற்றினை  யொப்பமிட்டணை
மேவி யரக்கர் பதிக்குள் முற்பட
வீடணனுக் கருள்வைத் தவற்றமை யன்கள் மாளக்
கால யிலக்கணை தொட்ட ருட்கனமால்

Just as it was said that the vanaras should start building the bridge, that very instant they started throwing rocks into the hands of Nala. He built the bridge within a muhurtha and on that level bridge they walked and reached the other shore, intent on war. Before that, Vibhishana had been crowned king of Lanka and blessed. All his elder brothers were dispatched to the abode of Yama. Such was the greatness of Rama.

Stamp issued by Thailand in 2005.
Shows scenes from Ramayana .From:

Just what was the size of the Vanara army? Arunagirinatha says about that in several hymns:

நெடிய னங்கனு மானோடே எழு
பது வெள ங்கவி சேனா சேவித
நிருப னம்பரர் கோமான் ராகவன்

Rama, the tall Vishnu, was the king there, saluted by the army of the strength of 70 Vellam, along with Hanuman. That Raghavan was the leader of the Devas.

Ramayana carvings from Hampi, Karnataka.

சங்க தசக்ரீவனொடு சொலவள
மிண்டு செயப்போன வாயு சுதனொடு
சம்பவ சுக்ரீ வனாதி  யெழுபது வெளமாகச்
சண்ட கவிச்சேனையால்  முனலை கடல்
குன்றி லடைத்தேறி

Why is Hanuman mentioned here specially? He was given a special task!

Hanuman went as ambassador to Ravana endowed with a group of ten heads. He had that kind of skill in speech, and he was to accomplish many daring acts. He was accompanied by Sugreeva with his seventy Vellam army. They first dammed the ocean with rocks, and then Vishnu reached the other shore.

கவச அனுமனொடெழுபது கவிவிழ
அணையிலலையெறி  யெதிர் அமர் பொருதிடு
களரி தனிலொரு கணை விடு மடலரி

Hanuman was like the shield.  With him the seventy Vellam vanaras built the dam (bridge) across the ocean. Thus was the ocean contained. Crossing that bridge, Rama fought the enemies and sent that matchless arrow.

Arunagirinatha takes positive delight in describing how the bridge was constructed.

Rama at Srivaikundam.By Sowrirajans (Flickr:Rama at Srivaikundam) CC By 2.0 creative commons via Wikimedia commons.

தருக்கு மற்கடப் படைப் பலத்தினில்
தடப் பொருப்பெடுத் தணையாகச்
சமுத்திரத்தினைக் குறுக்கடைத்த  உத்தம

கடிதுலாவு வாயு பெற்ற
மகனும் வாலிசேயுமிக்க
மலைகள் போட ஆழி கட்டி
யிகலூர் போய் அட

விரவி நெருங்கு குரங்கினங் கொடு
மொகுமொகு எனுங் கடலுங்க கடந்துறு
விசை கொடிலங்கை  புகுந்து

Rama is that excellent person who, with the power of the strong Vanara army carrying huge rocks,dammed the ocean.

Hanuman, the son of the quick moving Vayu,and Angada the son of Vaali, brought many rocks with which the dam/bridge was built. Rama thus reached the city of the enemies.

With the groups of vanaras who accompanied him closely, Rama crossed the ocean making that mighty noise,and reached Lanka fast.

நானாவித கருவிச் சேனை வகைவகை
சூழ்போது ப்ரபலச் சூரர் கொடுநெடு
நாவாய் செல் கடல டைத்தேறி நிலைமை யிலங்கை சாய
நாலாறு மணிமுடிப் பாவி  தனையடு சீராமன்

Famous fighters, armies carrying various types of weapons,accompanied him in all sorts of ways. With them, he bridged the ocean on which big ships were plying. Crossing it, he reached the other shore. He caused the destruction of the exalted Lanka. Thus Rama went there and killed Ravana,the sinner, with his ten heads with the jewelled crowns on.

Arunagirinatha sings about the war in many hymns in various ways. 

செருவி டத்தல கைகள்தெ னத்தென
     தெனந்தெந் தெந்தெ னந்தா
எனஇ டக்கைகள் மணிக ணப்பறை
     டிகுண்டிங் குண்டி குண்டா
டிகுகு டிக்குகு டிகுகு டிக்குகு
     டிகுண்டிங் குண்டி குண்டீ ...... யெனஇரா வணனீள்

மலையெ னத்திகழ் முடிகள் பத்தையு
     மிரண்டஞ் சொன்ப தொன்றேய்
பணைபு யத்தையு மொருவ கைப்பட
     வெகுண்டம் பொன்றெ றிந்தோன்

Here describes how the ghosts were happy at the huge number of dead bodies available to them  on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, Rama got terribly angry and with a matchless arrow felled the huge mountain-like ten heads and the twenty arms. of Ravana. The ghosts visiting there (felt happy and) made various sounds and also made noises with the different types of drums. (The sounds are actually described here)

வஞ்சங்கொண் டுந்திட ராவண
     னும்பந்தென் திண்பரி தேர்கரி
          மஞ்சின்பண் புஞ்சரி யாமென ...... வெகுசேனை

வந்தம்பும் பொங்கிய தாகஎ
     திர்ந்துந்தன் சம்பிர தாயமும்
          வம்புந்தும் பும்பல பேசியு ...... மெதிரேகை

மிஞ்சென்றுஞ் சண்டைசெய் போதுகு
     ரங்குந்துஞ் சுங்கனல் போலவெ
          குண்டுங்குன் றுங்கர டார்மர ...... மதும்வீசி

மிண்டுந்துங் கங்களி னாலெத
     கர்ந்தங்கங் கங்கர மார்பொடு
          மின்சந்துஞ் சிந்தநி சாசரர் ...... வகைசேர

வுஞ்சண்டன் தென்றிசை நாடிவி
     ழுந்தங்குஞ் சென்றெம தூதர்க
          ளுந்துந்துந் தென்றிட வேதசை ...... நிணமூளை

உண்டுங்கண் டுஞ்சில கூளிகள்
     டிண்டிண்டென் றுங்குதி போடவு
          யர்ந்தம்புங் கொண்டுவெல் மாதவன் ...

Here too he states that with other details.

Ravana was full of evil, treacherous thoughts. He was very powerful, strong. He brought with him chariots, elephants and horses, moving fast like the ball. He also brought his huge army, arranged like the formation of clouds.He sent clusters of arrows; boasted about his prowess, also indulged in cheap talk. He fought ceaselessly with the army he faced. The vanara armies got angry and plucked huge rocks and rough trees and threw them.The heads, shoulders and arms of the Rakshasas were crushed, and their body parts were scattered. They were thus sent to the South, the direction of Yama. Even there the ghosts went and shouted at the servants of Yama to push the dead bodies towards them. There they started dancing, making various sounds. Thus did Madhava win with his matchless arrows.

(It is a tradition in Tamil poetry to describe the battle scene with the ghosts.Arunagirinatha follows this even while describing Subrahmanya's fight with the Asuras.)

Thai art work showing the battle scene. Public domain.

அமரர்து திக்கப் புரந்த ரன்தொழ
     எழுபது வர்க்கக் குரங்கு கொண்டெறி
          யலையைய டைத்துக் கடந்து சென்றெதிர் ...... முந்துபோரில்

அசுரர்மு தற்கொற் றவன்பெ ருந்திறல்
     இருபது கொற்றப் புயங்கள் சிந்திட
          அழகிய கொத்துச் சிரங்க ளொன்பது ...... மொன்றுமாளக்

கமலம லர்க்கைச் சரந்து ரந்தவர்

Thus, Rama not only settled a personal score, he helped the Devas to recover their own land from the domination of Ravana.

Rama with his lotus hands sent the matchless arrow that destroyed the ten heads and the twenty arms of the powerful leader of the Asuras in that battle, which was waged with the seventy Vellam strong army of the Vanaras. Before that they had dammed the ocean full of waves with rocks. He was praised by the Devas. Indra worshipped him.

He is now in Srirangam.His feet are worshipped by the Brahmins well versed in all the six limbs of the Veda.Such is our Hari, Govinda, Keshava.

(It is rather appropriate. He had crowned Vibhishana  the king. He is now looking after him!)

கருதிய ஆறங்க வேள்வி அந்தணர்
அரிகரி கோவிந்த கேசவென்திரு
கழல் தொழு சீரங்க ராசன்.

Nepal stamp issued in 1967.

Sri Ranganatha is the family Deity of Rama. The image worshipped by Rama was given by him to Vibhishana, but somehow it stayed in Srirangam.


1.Some Tiruppugazh lyrics taken from Gratefully acknowledged.

2.Pictures shown here are taken from sources which are free of copyright , as far as could be ascertained. They are used here for non-profit, educational purpose. Violation if any may be brought to our notice, so that the pictures may be removed.

3. I first learnt about Ramayana, Bhagavatam and Mahabharata incidents occurring in the works of Arunagirinatha from the lectures of Sri Kripananda Variar. In 1964, a small booklet containing some hymns on the theme of Ramayana compiled by him was published by LIFCO. V.S.Chengalvaraya Pillai in his edition of the complete works of Arunagirinatha has indicated such hymns. In 2003, Sri P.N.Parasuraman brought out a book on this theme, containing more hymns and some excellent commentary. I am indebted to all of them, and I touch their feet.

However, we still await a book containing the complete selections, and the numerous references scattered throughout the Master's works.Only a few have been covered in these blogs.